Celebrating the Women at Bago

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Celebrating the Women at Bago

We are Shouting out to all the women at Bago this week in honour of International Women’s day on Sunday the 8th of March. We celebrate and show our appreciation to our female leaders this and every week, thank you for everything you do. 

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Meet Kay the brains behind everything at Bago.

Kay is passionate and supportive and without her we wouldn’t be here.

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Meet Kellie our innovative graphic designer.

Kellie’s perseverance and creativity is refreshing the face of Bago and without her we wouldn’t have such gorgeous labels.

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Meet Debbie our bright spark vineyard expert.

Debbie’s industrious and determined work ethic is next to none and without her we’d have no grapes.

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Meet Rhi our creative and vibrant cellar door manager.

Rhi’s positivity shines and welcomes all that visits Bago and without her you couldn’t buy the wine.

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Meet Gemma our brilliant Lab Tech. Gemma is vibrant, honest, has excellent attention to detail and strives to make our wines better each year.

Gemma is the life of the party, even if that party is just our staff morning tea.

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Meet Som the artistic and dedicated veggie farmer

Som’s attention to detail and talent for growing makes her beautiful vegetables a work of art. Without her our cheese platters wouldn’t have delicious relishes and pickles.

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Meet Tash BabaLila’s highly skilled Chocolate Master

Tash dishes up her spirit and kindness into her truely amazing chocolates. Without her you couldn’t have a delicious hand made chocolate to round out the experience.