Mulled Wine Pack

Mulled Wine Pack
Enjoy making a batch of Mulled Wine with Bago’s Mulled Wine Pack. Enjoy it warm like a cheeky cup of tea - or pour it over ice for a spicy iced tea!
Mulled Wine Pack includes:
2 x Bottles Bago’s Rosella Red - a deep nectarous red wine with a hint of spice on the tongue, soft tannins and undertones of sweet stone fruits.
1 x Packet of Bago and Herbies special blend of Mulled Wine Spices
1 x Packet of Dried orange pieces to infuse into your finished warm cup of mulled wine! (1 piece per cup will be enough)
1 x Recipe Card to help you bring it all together! It’s super easy to make - and even easier to drink!
This recipe makes 6 generous mugs of Mulled Wine (approx 250ml /cup).
If you have visitors coming over why not try the 6 or 12 bottle Mulled Wine Pack. The smell of the sweet spices cooking in the wine is sure to set the mood for any dinner party - and anything left over (unlikely) can be drunk over several nights to come!